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Referencing Between Components

QuAM Tree Structure

QuAM follows a tree structure, meaning that each QuAM component can have a parent component and it can have children.

The top-level object is always an instance of QuAMRoot, e.g.

from dataclasses import dataclass
from quam.core import QuamRoot, quam_dataclass
from quam.components import *

class QuAM(QuamRoot):
    qubit: superconducting_qubits.Transmon = None

machine = QuAM()

Next, we can add a qubit as a component:

qubit = superconducting_qubits.Transmon(xy=IQChannel(opx_output_I=("con1", 1), opx_output_Q=("con1", 2"))
machine.qubit = qubit
assert qubit.parent == machine

One of the rules in QuAM is that a component can only have one parent. This is enforced by the parent attribute, which is set when a component is added to another component. As a result, the following raises an error:

channel = IQChannel(opx_output_I=("con1", 1), opx_output_Q=("con1", 2")
qubit1 = superconducting_qubits.Transmon(xy=channel)
qubit2 = superconducting_qubits.Transmon(xy=channel)  # Raises ValueError
additionally, situations often arise where a component needs access to another part of QuAM that is not directly one of its children. To accomodate both of these situations, we introduce the concept of references.

QuAM References

A reference in QuAM is a way for a component's attribute to be a reference to another part of QuAM. An example is shown here

class Component(QuamComponent):
    a: int
    b: int

component = Component(a=42, b="#./a")
print(component.b)  # Prints 42
As can be seen, the QuAM component attribute component.b was set to a reference, i.e. a string starting with "#". This reference indicates that when the component is retrieved, e.g. through the print() statement, it should instead return the value of its reference.

QuAM references follow the JSON reference syntax (For a description see, but further allow for relative references, i.e. references w.r.t the current QuAM component. We will next describe the three types of references.

Absolute References

Absolute references always start with "#/", e.g. "#/absolute/path/to/value. They are references from the top-level QuAM object which inherits from QuamRoot For example:

machine = QuAM()
machine.frequency = 6e9
machine.qubit = Transmon(frequency="#/frequency")
print(machine.qubit.frequency)  # Prints 6e9

Relative References

Relative references start with "#./", e.g. "#./relative/path/to/value
These are references with respect to the current QuAM component. An example was given above, and is reiterated here:

class Component(QuamComponent):
    a: int
    b: int

component = Component(a=42, b="#./a")
print(component.b)  # Prints 42

Relative Parent References

Relative parent references start with "#../", e.g. "#../relative/path/from/parent/to/value
These are references with respect to the parent of the current QuAM component.

To illustrate relative parent references, we modify Component to allow for a subcomponent:

class Component(QuamComponent):
    sub_component: "Component" = None
    a: int = None
    b: int = None

component = Component(a=42)
component.subcomponent = Component(a="#../a")
print(component.subcomponent.a)  # Prints 42

As can be seen in this example, component.subcomponent.a = "#../a" is a relative parent reference, which means that component.subcomponent.a should be the same as component.a.

Parent references can also be stacked, e.g. "#../../a" would be a reference to the grandparent of the current component.

Additional Notes on References

Directly Overwriting References is not Allowed

Since QuAM references behave like regular attributes, the user might accidentally overwrite a reference without realizing it. To prohibit this, it is not possible to directly overwrite a reference:

component = Component()
component.a = 42
component.b = "#./a"

component.b = 43  # Raises ValueError

Instead, a reference must first be set to None, after which it can be set to an arbitrary new value (including a new reference):

component.b = "#./a"
component.b = None
component.b = 43  # Does not raise an error