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An Octave is represented in QuAM through the quam.components.octave.Octave class. Below we describe the three steps needed to configuring an Octave in QuAM:

  1. Creating the Octave
  2. Adding frequency converters
  3. Attaching channels

0⃣ Creating the Root QuAM Machine

Before we get started, we need a top-level QuAM class that matches our components:

from typing import Dict
from dataclasses import field
from quam.core import QuamRoot, quam_dataclass
from quam.components import Octave, OctaveUpConverter, OctaveDownConverter, Channel

class QuAM(QuamRoot):
    octave: Octave = None
    channels: Dict[str, Channel] = field(default_factory=dict)

machine = QuAM()

This will be used later to generate our QUA configuration

1⃣ Creating the Octave

Below we show how an Octave is instantiated using some example arguments:

octave = Octave(name="octave1", ip="", port=80)
machine.octave = octave

We can next retrieve the Octave config QmOctaveConfig, used to create the QuantumMachinesManager

octave_config = octave.get_octave_config()
# The calibration_db and device_info are automatically configured

qmm = QuantumMachinesManager(host={opx_host}, port={opx_port}, octave=octave_config)

At this point the channel connectivity of the Octave hasn't yet been configured. We can do so by adding frequency converters.

2⃣ Adding Frequency Converters

A frequency converter is a grouping of the components needed to upconvert or downconvert a signal. These typically consist of a local oscillator, mixer, as well as IF, LO, and RF ports. For the Octave we have two types of frequency converters:

We can add all relevant frequency converters as follows:


octave.print_summary() output
Octave (parent unknown):
  name: "octave1"
  ip: ""
  port: 80
  calibration_db_path: None
  RF_outputs: QuamDict
    1: OctaveUpConverter
      id: 1
      channel: None
      LO_frequency: None
      LO_source: "internal"
      gain: 0
      output_mode: "always_off"
      input_attenuators: "off"
    2: OctaveUpConverter
      id: 2
      channel: None
      LO_frequency: None
      LO_source: "internal"
      gain: 0
      output_mode: "always_off"
      input_attenuators: "off"
    3: OctaveUpConverter
      id: 3
      channel: None
      LO_frequency: None
      LO_source: "internal"
      gain: 0
      output_mode: "always_off"
      input_attenuators: "off"
    4: OctaveUpConverter
      id: 4
      channel: None
      LO_frequency: None
      LO_source: "internal"
      gain: 0
      output_mode: "always_off"
      input_attenuators: "off"
    5: OctaveUpConverter
      id: 5
      channel: None
      LO_frequency: None
      LO_source: "internal"
      gain: 0
      output_mode: "always_off"
      input_attenuators: "off"
  RF_inputs: QuamDict
    1: OctaveDownConverter
      id: 1
      channel: None
      LO_frequency: None
      LO_source: "internal"
      IF_mode_I: "direct"
      IF_mode_Q: "direct"
      IF_output_I: 1
      IF_output_Q: 2
    2: OctaveDownConverter
      id: 2
      channel: None
      LO_frequency: None
      LO_source: "internal"
      IF_mode_I: "direct"
      IF_mode_Q: "direct"
      IF_output_I: 1
      IF_output_Q: 2
  loopbacks: QuamList = []

We can see five OctaveUpConverter elements in Octave.RF_outputs, and two OctaveDownConverter elements in Octave.RF_inputs, matching with the number of RF outputs / inputs, respectively. It is important to specify the LO_frequency of the frequency converters that are used, otherwise they will not add information to the QUA configuration when it is generated.

At this point, our Octave does not yet contain any information on which OPX output / input is connected to each OctaveUpconverter / OctaveDownConverter. This is done in the third stage

3⃣ Attaching Channels

Once the frequency converters have been setup, it is time to attach the ones that are in use to corresponding channels in QuAM. In the example below, we connect an IQChannel to the OctaveUpconverter at octave.RF_outputs[1]

from quam.components import IQChannel, InOutIQChannel

machine.channels["IQ1"] = IQChannel(
    opx_output_I=("con1", 1), 
    opx_output_Q=("con1", 2),
octave.RF_outputs[1].channel = machine.channels["IQ1"].get_reference()
octave.RF_outputs[1].LO_frequency = 2e9  # Remember to set the LO frequency

Similarly, we can connect an InOutIQChannel to a combination of an OctaveUpConverter and OctaveDownConverter

machine.channels["IQ2"] = InOutIQChannel(
    opx_output_I=("con1", 3), 
    opx_output_Q=("con1", 4),
    opx_input_I=("con1", 1),
    opx_input_Q=("con1", 2),
octave.RF_outputs[2].channel = machine.channels["IQ2"].get_reference()
octave.RF_inputs[1].channel = machine.channels["IQ2"].get_reference()
octave.RF_outputs[2].LO_frequency = 2e9
octave.RF_inputs[2].LO_frequency = 2e9

Generating the Config

Once everything is setup, we can generate the QUA configuration

qua_config = machine.generate_config()
    "version": 1,
    "controllers": {
        "con1": {
            "analog_outputs": {
                "1": {"offset": 0.0},
                "2": {"offset": 0.0},
                "3": {"offset": 0.0},
                "4": {"offset": 0.0},
            "digital_outputs": {},
            "analog_inputs": {"1": {"offset": 0.0}, "2": {"offset": 0.0}},
    "elements": {
        "IQ1": {
            "operations": {},
            "intermediate_frequency": 0.0,
            "RF_inputs": {"port": ["octave1", 1]},
        "IQ2": {
            "operations": {},
            "intermediate_frequency": 0.0,
            "RF_inputs": {"port": ["octave1", 2]},
            "smearing": 0,
            "time_of_flight": 24,
            "RF_outputs": {"port": ["octave1", 1]},
    "pulses": {
        "const_pulse": {
            "operation": "control",
            "length": 1000,
            "waveforms": {"I": "const_wf", "Q": "zero_wf"},
    "waveforms": {
        "zero_wf": {"type": "constant", "sample": 0.0},
        "const_wf": {"type": "constant", "sample": 0.1},
    "digital_waveforms": {"ON": {"samples": [[1, 0]]}},
    "integration_weights": {},
    "mixers": {},
    "oscillators": {},
    "octaves": {
        "octave1": {
            "RF_outputs": {
                "1": {
                    "LO_frequency": 2000000000.0,
                    "LO_source": "internal",
                    "gain": 0,
                    "output_mode": "always_off",
                    "input_attenuators": "off",
                    "I_connection": ["con1", 1],
                    "Q_connection": ["con1", 2],
                "2": {
                    "LO_frequency": 2000000000.0,
                    "LO_source": "internal",
                    "gain": 0,
                    "output_mode": "always_off",
                    "input_attenuators": "off",
                    "I_connection": ["con1", 3],
                    "Q_connection": ["con1", 4],
            "IF_outputs": {
                "IF_out1": {"port": ["con1", 1], "name": "out1"},
                "IF_out2": {"port": ["con1", 2], "name": "out2"},
            "RF_inputs": {
                "1": {
                    "RF_source": "RF_in",
                    "LO_frequency": 2000000000.0,
                    "LO_source": "internal",
                    "IF_mode_I": "direct",
                    "IF_mode_Q": "direct",
            "loopbacks": [],

Combined Example

from typing import Dict
from dataclasses import field
from quam.core import QuamRoot, quam_dataclass
from quam.components import Octave, OctaveUpConverter, OctaveDownConverter, Channel

class QuAM(QuamRoot):
    octave: Octave = None
    channels: Dict[str, Channel] = field(default_factory=dict)

machine = QuAM()

octave = Octave(
machine.octave = octave



from quam.components import IQChannel, InOutIQChannel

machine.channels["IQ1"] = IQChannel(
    opx_output_I=("con1", 1), 
    opx_output_Q=("con1", 2),
octave.RF_outputs[1].channel = machine.channels["IQ1"].get_reference()
octave.RF_outputs[1].LO_frequency = 2e9

machine.channels["IQ2"] = InOutIQChannel(
    opx_output_I=("con1", 3), 
    opx_output_Q=("con1", 4),
    opx_input_I=("con1", 1),
    opx_input_Q=("con1", 2),
octave.RF_outputs[2].channel = machine.channels["IQ2"].get_reference()
octave.RF_inputs[1].channel = machine.channels["IQ2"].get_reference()
octave.RF_outputs[2].LO_frequency = 2e9
octave.RF_inputs[1].LO_frequency = 2e9

qua_config = machine.generate_config()