Calibration Library
The Calibration Library in QUAlibrate serves as a central location for storing and organizing calibration nodes and graphs. This library allows users to easily manage, update, and execute various calibration routines, providing a streamlined process for configuring quantum systems. Calibration nodes in the library are modular components that can be included as part of a calibration graph or executed externally, for example, through the QUAlibrate Web App.
Loading the Calibration Library
The library of calibration nodes and graphs can be loaded in Python using the following code snippet:
from qualibrate import QualibrationLibrary
library = QualibrationLibrary.get_active_library()
This will use the folder path specified by qualibrate_runner.calibration_library_folder
if it is defined in the configuration file. Alternatively, a custom folder can be specified using the keyword argument library_folder
library = QualibrationLibrary(library_folder="/path/to/custom/folder")
Example: Loading and Running a Calibration Node
Consider a calibration script called
located in the library_folder
. The contents of this script include the following `QualibrationNode`:
from qualibrate import NodeParameters, QualibrationNode
class Parameters(NodeParameters):
f_center: float = 5e9
f_span: float = 50e6
node = QualibrationNode("resonator_spectroscopy", parameters=Parameters())
In this example, the node resonator_spectroscopy
can be accessed from the calibration library as follows:
res_spec_node = library.nodes["resonator_spectroscopy"]
To execute this node, use the run
method:, f_span=100e6)
Note that the keyword arguments correspond to those defined in the Parameters
class. These arguments are optional, as the parameters have default values. This allows the default parameters to be overridden when the node is run through the library.
Loading and running a calibration graph
Similar to calibration nodes, a calibration graph can also be defined in the library folder. A graph with name "single_qubit_tuneup" can be accessed using
single_qubit_graph = library.graphs["single_qubit_tuneup"]
and can then be executed through["q0", "q1"])
where qubits would be a list of qubits that the graph should calibrate.
Integration with the QUAlibrate Web App
The Calibration Library is also integrated with the QUAlibrate Web App. The web app scans the library folder for available nodes and graphs, allowing users to execute them through an intuitive graphical interface. Users can modify parameters as needed before running a node or graph, providing flexibility and ease of use.
Best Practices
To get the most out of the Calibration Library, consider the following best practices:
- Organize by Functionality: Group nodes by their purpose, such as qubit tune-up, gate calibration, or diagnostics, to make it easier to locate and execute specific calibration routines.
- Consistent Parameter Naming: Use consistent naming conventions for parameters to facilitate easy modification and compatibility across different nodes.
- Document Each Node: Ensure that each calibration node is well-documented, including its purpose, parameters, and expected outcomes, to help other users understand and use the node effectively.